A Pawsible Proposal

Stray mutts no more.
It's time for a new age of eco-friendly vehicles.

Uruguay has been overrun by filthy, bite-happy mutts. You step on a sidewalk and you either get your sole dirtied by a smelly turd, or your have your ankles gnawed by a desperate and hungry dog. Our dear and beloved country has never been in such a critical state. Our citizens have spoken; they are unhappy, worried, and fearsome about what's to come. Besides, one needs to simply look up and realize the sky is not what it used to be fifty years ago.
Things have got to change. Apropos of such plight our Charrua country is facing, I present the ultimate solution.

Mission Statement

The automobile industry and stray dogs are going to bring damnation upon us. If we, Uruguay citizens, don't stand up to our rights and fight back, sooner or later we are going to find ourselves overrun!

Through a carefully designed, devised, thought out process and long-term plan, I have thought of the ultimate strategy to turn these furred beggars into tools of the future.

Up next, you can see all the steps to be taken when carrying out this proposal.

Our Esteemed Allies

I am not alone in this plight. A most dear group of esteemed professionals seemed to have taken a liking to my cause and are willing to fight tooth and nail to see my proposal reach the higher spheres. These are only some of the names of those willing change the future, to make the world a better place not just for us, but for our kids.

Mr. Martel Halliday

"I came to 'dis here land of Tacuarembo many a moon ago, and lemme tell ya I know a thing or two about dogs! I be not only usin' them for dogfightin' 'n stuff, but I run a whole facility made to train these mutts into becomin' the ultimate tools!"

Jorge Can

"Time is money."

Rose Awe

"I can only love dogs so much! I run a shelter for these poor stray puppies, but there's only so many dogs I can take in before this gets way too crowded! Things have to stop! Stray dogs MUST serve a greater purpose!"

Naysayers' corner

It is to be expected that such a popular proposal gets its detractors. I am willing to hear anyone willing to oppose by project, and you shall be heard and replied to with due respect and diligency. Such inquiries may be done via email, so send yours to the following address: oscargomez@gmail.com.